FREE FACEBOOK GROUP masterclass: july 29th-August 1st

Free, 4-day 

balanced meals masterclass

Take just half an hour a day to learn how to build balanced meals with ease so that you can be consistent with your healthy habits!

you'll get


Access to a private Facebook group where you are with other women working on the same goals. You'll get all of the support, guidance, and information you need in this group to turn your goals into a sustainable habit. 


3 In-Depth Training Videos on how to create well balanced plates 

Every night during the masterclass, I'll go live in the Facebook group to give trainings, simple hacks, mindset shifts, and even answer your questions so that there's no chance you leave without the tools and knowledge to create this habit!


Download-ables and PDfs

You'll get access to checklists, planning documents, and freebies that will help you take healthy eating from overwhelming to simple!


My love for health was totally unexpected. I grew up in a typical middle-class family where I considered mac-n-cheese to be my favorite vegetable. It wasn't until March of 2020 when I decided I was tired of feeling unhappy every single time I looked in the mirror, that I started making changes. 

I started small and built on one tiny habit after another until eventually I lost 30 pounds. I've now kept that weight off for two years and teach you how to do the same thing! 

My coaching philosophy is tiny changes create lasting results and that is what I'm guiding you through in this free masterclass. I mean what better habit to begin with than well balanced eating?!

Right now, you feel like eating healthy meals just adds stress to your already stressful week and you just lack the motivation to do it. 


The method I teach for creating well balanced meals is simple and easy so that rather than being one more thing to do each week, it takes the daily scramble of figuring out what to eat OFF your plate.


If you're ready to take the stress out of eating and begin eating healthier meals consistently, then what are you waiting for? 

Join the free masterclass now!

Masterclass beginning next week!

Meal planning and prepping allows you to feel so much more in control around food! 

Once you get consistent with one habit, it gets so much easier to be consistent with other habits!

Having a plan allows you to eat balanced meals more often, leading to those long-term results such as weight loss!

july 29th - August 1st

balance your plate LIKE A QUEEN

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